Minggu, 06 Desember 2015


Just like what the picture below tells, equality is the main idea of friendships. Unlike love relationship, the friendship lies upon an equality not extremes and opposites. And loving your friend makes someone somewhat feels the vague between love relationship and pure friendship. Does love change our true intention? 
With what you called as love, a pure intention of being friend with someone will change. You might change your behavior when you are with him. You will be more shy than before, you will think twice before send him a message, even you will secretly stalk him in order to know more about him. You will find yourself really desperate to gain his attention, so sometimes you do a crazy and irresponsible thing to catch his attention.

When everything you do in order to catch his attention is a success, you will do more. You will grow really depend on him. Slow but sure, you will become so possessive toward him. As the result, you hate all the girls that might be attracted to him or he might be attracted to. You will intensely bother him with absurd thing, and you will check whether he thinks to have a girlfriend or not. 

This is how the friendship was spoiled by love. As no one wants to get hurt, you will come to reality that between you and your friend, there might be no space for romance, and you do not want to try to confess your feeling. Because you think that romance or confession will drag him apart from you and you don't want to lose him. So in a misery, you will let him go, you will stop to think about growing a romance between you and your friend. You surrender, you will try to feel enough with what you have, a friendship. Nothing more than just a friendship. Otherwise, you think you might lose him.

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